March 15, 2013

How do you find Will Smith in the snow?

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....follow his 'fresh prints'. Hahaha! Get it? Oh man I love silly jokes.

Just a few things we've been up to:
**Trav was the Outstanding Salesman in the region for the 2nd year in a row. Pretty proud!
**I've been yoga-ing and falling in love with inversions.
**Fact: Beer tastes better in an ice cold boot.
**Another fact: Valentine's Day requires red high heels.
**Dogs are fun. My wish finally came true and we saved a dog. His story will be coming soon!

(instagram: jessontheloop...come follow along!)

I am still here! I am in the works of revamping my blog to follow more of my passions which means I will writing more about DIY, fitness, recipes and adventures! Thanks for sticking around and you bet your bottom I am still reading all of your blogs. My mornings just wouldn't be the same without them! Happy adventuring this weekend!

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